Saturday, August 20, 2011

My Heart Beat Louder Than My Head

This song exactly describes what I've felt that night.. What a past .. :)
I've just found it by any chance and wow !!
It's so related to my last post here

here it is ..

LOUDER by Charice
anyway I just attach only the several lyric. if you wanna see the whole lyric just clik this
or you can just straight forward to listen this

"I'm staring out of my window
And the rain is pouring down

image source

When you left, I was so low
But I'm not gonna drown"

I don't need no shoulder
I'm gonna be a soldier
I just wanna feel somethin' I don't understand

I'm just gonna run right through the rain
I'm just gonna dance right through the pain
I just wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head
Heart beat louder than my head
Heart speak louder
Wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head


mayang alfina

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My First Soes

Liburan di rumah adalah waktu dimana aku bisa eksperimen bikin kue sama mamah. Yaaak .. hari kamis minggu lalu kebetulan adek aku yang di asrama kebagian piket bawa takjil buat buka puasa. Makanan yang harus dibawa itu kue soes, ote-ote a.k.a bakwan, sama qurma.

Nah, waktu itu mamah udah nanyain temen-temennya yang bisa bikin kue soes. Soalnya mamah sama sekali belom pernah bikin tuh kue. Apalagi aku yaak ?? hahaha . Eh ternyata lagi pada ga bisa buat bikin pesenan soes. Alhasil lah kita berdua nekat buad bikin tu kue. HAJAAAAR BLEEEEH !!!! :P dan parahnya lagi nih, mamah malah yang terima pesenan dari temennya. ini namanya bener-bener BONEK dah !! haha ..

Ok, rabu sorenya kita beli bahan-bahannya ke Koperasi PKT. Se
kalian jalan-jalan maksudnya .. hehe. Habis itu besok paginya kita bikin deh tuh kue soes. Oh yaa .. pas malemnya nih, aku sempet browsing-browsing dulu resep kue soes yang terlihat meyakinkan. Masalahnya ini pertama bikin dan orang ada yang pesen, kalo ntar ga meyakinkan rugi bandar doooooong .. hehehe.
Yapp .. akhirnya aku dapet resep kue soes yang aku yakini kebenarannya .. #et daah udah kayak apaan aja
Nih link nya aku kasih yaa .. ini dari
Bisa di cek deh di situsnya .. ntar bakalan ada resep kue soes yang mantap surantap d^_^b

Akhirnya aku sama mamah bagi tugas. Mamah yang bikin ote-ote, aku yang bikin kue soesnya :) Di awal pembuatan semua berjalan mulus dan lancar. Belum ada tanda-tanda keanehan nih .. ehehhe ..
Nah, ditengah-tengah pembuatan nih yang rada odong-odong kitanya.. hahaha. Si mamah tiba-tiba nyampurin tepung terigu pake air dengan alibi supaya ga gumpal pas dimasukin ke mentega cair. Awalnya aku protes nih, tapi apa kata orang tua dulu deh ... diikutin dulu ajaaa .. hahaha. Eh beneran !?!?!? pembuatan kulit kue soes kloter pertama G-A-T-O-T alias GAGAL TOTAL !! hahahaha .. mo liat hasilny
a ? nih ...

Nah, akhirnya si mamah menyadari kesalahannya ehehhe dan dengan bangga aku
bilang "Tuh kan Mayang bilang juga apaaa ... hehehehehe" #sambil ketawa ngakak. Ups! Ga bedosa kan yaaak ?? nggak laaah yaa .. haha

Oke, lanjut kloter kedua. Nah pembuatan kulit soes kloter kedua ini, bikinnya sesua
i resep ga dipake embel-embel yang laen. plek se plek-pleknya ama resep pokoknya dan mudah-mudahan ga gagal kayak yang pertama. huaaaaa ... butternya itu looooooh yang bikin rugi bandar kalo gagal lagi T____________T
Naaaaaaaaaaaaaahh ... setelah nunggu 20 menit di oven, akhirnya kulit kue soes perdana kita dinyatakan ................................................... BERHASIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLL!!!!!!
cekibrot guys .. ini penampakannya :)

Nah ini bonus penampakan ote-otenya .. :)

Oh yaa, aku dapet tips baru nih buat yang suka panggang-memanggang kue. Sebenernya ini juga hasil browsing sana-sini. hehehehe .. kalo mau manggang kue, sebaiknya loyangnya dilapisin aluminium foil. naaah itu bisa meminimalisasi kegosongan pada pant*t si kue .. hehehe. Sebenernya ada juga sih cara lain, jadi loyang dilapis sama kertas minyak. Nah, selama ini yang aku tau caranya kayak gitu tuh .. tapi ini dapet tips baru lagi. Semoga bermanfaat yaaaah bagi temen-temen yang suka bereksperimen dalam dunia per-baking-an :DD Good Luck !


mayang alfina

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Hometown ..

Yeaah .. finally I’ve been home since August 3rd. The feeling is so lovely and I felt so marvelous.

The journey was started on Tuesday morning. I wake up earlier for sahur and then after I had my sahur I prepared all the things that I had to bring and took a shower. It was not an easy choice to take a bath at that time. So freeze .. brrr .. hehe

Anggi slept at my room that night. So, she accompanied me to take a taxi at five. Fortunately, I’ve called the taxi service a night before. Then I don’t need to stop a taxi at that time.

The taxi drove me to the Gambir Train Station. Actually I didn’t in my best condition. I got a cough and felt so dizzy. But I didn’t feel it. For about 10 minutes I got in the train station. I went there to get my airport bus (DAMRI). If I took taxi from my flat to the airport it was too costly. I have to pay one hundred thousand something rupiahs. So, I decided to take the bus because I have to pay the taxi fare for about twenty thousand rupiahs and the bus fare for about twenty rupiahs also. So the total fare is only forty thousand rupiahs J it was saver right? LOL

I got to the airport at six thirty and my flight was at eight thirty. Oh Gosh! I had to wait for about two hours .. -_______-‘’ and the worst one was … I didn’t know what I had to do hahaha. So I only sat at the bench in front of the F2 Gate and was doing nothing. Just call my mom and dad also my uncle. Then go to the toilet and back to the bench again. Two words = Sooooo boring.

Then at seven thirty I decided to go to the F2 Gate and went to the check in table. After I got my boarding pass I went to the F2 Terminal to get my plane. Fortunately, the time for waiting the boarding time was not so long. I boarded at eight ten and I got my seat in 29D. It was the second row from behind. At the first time, I thought this will be a delightful flight. But It wasn’t. Hiks L

Because I got a cough, so there were some problems in my nose and ears. It made me couldn’t adjust the change of the pressure of the air. And the result of it was I couldn’t hear anything for a while and my voice seems like echoing at my head. It was so horrible and I was so scared. Because it was my first flight when I got a cough. And the worst is when the plane was going to take a landing position. I couldn’t bear it anymore. The pressure outside didn’t same with my ear pressure and it caused my ears were like stabbed by the cotton buds. One word = HORRIBLE! I even cried and I didn’t care people surround me were looking at me. All I knew that my ears were sooooooooooooo hurt. That’s all.

I arrived at Sepinggan Airport, Balikpapan at eleven forty five and I had to take my second flight to Bontang at four. AGAIN. I had to wait for about three hours. PASRAH. Hhehehe

So, at four I got my flight and at four twenty five I arrived at PT Badak NGL Airport. Then my lil bro and mom picked me and I went home peacefully.

Wooooaaahh .. the smell and the atmosphere of home is so lovely and replaceable. There is only one in this world and always here. (Point at my heart) :*